Saturday, November 04, 2006

Sitting here at my laptop

Ah, I have finally given in to the "real" blogosphere. My old MSN Spaces just didn't seem to quite make the cut, so, after viewing other blogs, I finally decided to go for it. Of course, who actually knows if I'll keep up with it, since I'm very busy most of the time with classes, practice, homework...

So, who am I? Well, I'm a voice student at Interlochen for a year, which is the main purpose of this blog; to create something of a record of what goes on in my life during this year. So far, it's been quite interresting. Between homesickness, residence issues, nasty food, a smelly dorm, snow in October, college applications, piles of music to learn, and laundry, it's been a great experience. I've learned so much already, and it has only been what seems like a few weeks, but here November is! Thanksgiving break is in two weeks, and I cannot wait to come home! Even though I am glad that I came here, I think a break will be the greatest thing for me. It will be nice to get away from the daily grind and finally be able to relax.


Seth said...

Welcome to Blogland! Yeah, I'm not really a "regular" in this world, but when you're on grand adventures in Interlochen or France, somehow it just seems like a good thing to do.

We're living stories worth telling, Lydia. So...tell us all about it.

Davo said...

Rockin! And if you've got a digital camera, you can upload pix, too! I've heard that Interlochen looks nice.

Rachel said...

It's about time you entered the blogger world. Hey, no worries. I never update my blog either. Unless of course, I have loads of other things to do. ;)

Anonymous said...

Ah, so you give in to another aspect of technology. I hope this one doesn't leave you wishing you could throw your computer across the room lol. Great to hear from you! I keep you in my prayers and think of you nearly every day.
Your friend who's still living a nobody life in Indiana,